Malek Itani

University of Washington ECE/CSE


CSE 314

185 E Stevens Way NE

Seattle, WA 98195

Current Electrical Engineering PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle. Research Assistant in the Mobile Intelligence Lab working with Prof. Shyam Gollakota in the Paul G. Allen School for Computer Science & Engineering.

My current research interests lie broadly in the areas of mobile systems, embedded systems, machine learning, audio & speech, and small-scale robotics. I am committed to exploring innovative intersections among these fields to drive impactful advancements.

I received my bachelor’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the American University of Beirut while working with Prof. Joseph Costantine at the Electromagnetics Lab.


May 14, 2024 Our paper, “Look Once to Hear: Target Speech Hearing with Noisy Examples”, received an Honorable Mention at CHI 2024!
Mar 26, 2024 Semantic Hearing was featured on The Verge’s flagship podcast The Vergecast. You can listen to it here!
Nov 9, 2023 Our paper, “Semantic Hearing: Programming Acoustic Scenes with Binaural Hearables”, was covered by MIT Technology Review! Read the story here!
Oct 5, 2023 Our paper, “Creating speech zones with self-distributing acoustic swarms”, has been featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights!

Selected Publications


  1. lookoncetohear.png
    Look Once to Hear: Target Speech Hearing with Noisy Examples
    Bandhav Veluri, Malek Itani, Tuochao Chen, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024


  1. semantichearing.png
    Semantic Hearing: Programming Acoustic Scenes with Binaural Hearables
    Bandhav Veluri, Malek Itani, Justin Chan, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2023
  2. SwarmRetraction.gif
    Creating speech zones with self-distributing acoustic swarms
    Malek Itani, Tuochao Chen, Takuya Yoshioka, and 1 more author
    Nature Communications, Sep 2023
  3. oaebuds.png
    Wireless Earbuds for Low-Cost Hearing Screening
    Justin Chan, Antonio Glenn, Malek Itani, and 5 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, Jun 2023